
Professional Management Enterprises was founded by a Service Disabled United States Army Veteran in 2006. We achieved the Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) certification from VetBiz in 2005and have been proud to maintain partnerships and receive and implement opportunities through the SDVOSB program since that time.

In addition to our SDVOSB status, Professional Management Enterprises (PME) has proudly maintained a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certification in multiple states throughout the nation for more than a decade. We are honored to be the MBE of choice for many large and small corporations in the states including IN, TN, NY, SC, and Missouri

PME is proud to be part of both of these programs which not only afford us great opportunities and partnerships as a supplier diversity business but also the opportunity to pass along great benefits to our clients.

Benefits of Partnering with a Diversity Supplier and SDVOSB:

Partnering with a Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), or with an SDVOSB, has benefits not just for the MBE/SDVOSB business, but also for the companies teaming with us. PME has developed a list of benefits that every company working with us can expect to achieve.

Tax Incentives for your business

Working with an MBE can provide your company with tax benefits. The federal government affords tax incentives to those who conduct business with minority and women-owned businesses. Additionally, tax liabilities can be reduced for projects funded with federal or state grants when the supplier is a minority-owned business. In some states, additional tax incentives may be available. 

Expands your Exposure to Additional Sources of Revenue:

In April of this year, Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie announced an increase to the department’s goals for contracting with Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB) and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB). For fiscal year (FY) 2019, the VA is seeking to award at least 15% of its total contract dollars to SDVOSBs and at least 17% to VOSBs, representing a 5% increase in both goals. Many opportunities nt previously available to SDVOSBs are now opening up. For non SDVOSB businesses, this means it is the perfect time to find a trusted SDVOSB teaming partner to help you access, win, and implement these opportunities. Working with SDVOSB and MBE businesses can increase profitability by providing significant competitive advantages. 

Provides Flexibility and Creativity in Solutions:

As a smaller company, PME has the ability to provide needed flexibility and creativity in business solutions. We are agile and can make swift course corrections both in the proposal phase, as well as throughout implementation. Smaller companies have less red-tape to work through and a tighter chain of command meaning faster turn-around times and exceptional customer service.  

Supports the Economic Base of Communities: 

In 2015, the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) retained The Institute for Thought Diversity (ITD) to conduct a study to assess the economic impact that the NMSDC MBE community has on the United States economy (and Puerto Rico). This study demonstrated the essential role of Minority-Owned Businesses in the U.S. Economy. The impact shown included increased business activity created by certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), jobs that were created and maintained as a result of this action within numerous sectors of the US economy, and the incremental business taxes that were generated. According to the NMSDC, the study illustrated that MBEs have a total economic impact of over $400 billion dollars. 

PME is a well known and respected SDVOSB and MBE partner. We would love to help your business grow by teaming together on opportunities. Connect with us. We welcome the opportunity to share why we’d be a great supplier diversity partner for your company.      


• Indiana Department of Administration, MBE

• Indiana Department of Administration, VBE

• City of Indianapolis, MBE

• City of Indianapolis, VBE


• Department of Central Management Services, MBE Certification

Rhode Island

• Office of Diversity, Equity and Opportunity (MBE)


• Ohio DAS (VBE)


• Service Disabled Veteran Business (SDVB)

Washington DC.

• Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Verification and Evaluation (SDVOSB)

State of Missouri MBE